Breast Augmentation Recovery: What To Expect

Woman after Breast Augmentation in Little Rock, AR

Planning for your breast augmentation can be an exciting time as you look forward to your beautiful new figure. However, like any surgery, breast augmentation involves a dedicated recovery time and collaboration with your doctor. When discussing breast augmentation recovery, we remind our Little Rock patients that a healthy healing process plays a key role in creating satisfying results. You need to give your body rest and support as it heals.

By learning what to expect post-surgery, you can better prepare for this life-transforming experience. Here are a few important things to know about the breast augmentation recovery process.

How Long Does Breast Augmentation Recovery Take?

Breast augmentation recovery depends on several different factors, but most patients can return to work 5 to 7 days after surgery. If your procedure involves liposuction used for fat grafting, compression garments may be used during the post-op period. You can expect your chest to feel tight and sore for several weeks after the procedure. Reduce your range of movement during this time and avoid vigorous exercise for 4 to 6 weeks.

How Many Post-Op Appointments Will I Need?

Every surgeon’s personal timeline will vary a bit during the recovery process. In general, you will meet with your doctor 2 to 3 times after your procedure is complete. You can expect appointments:

  • Immediately after surgery: Your doctor will analyze your body after the surgery is complete before discharging and sending you home.
  • 1 week after surgery: Your initial follow-up appointment will happen sometime during the first week. During this appointment, bandages and stitches may be removed.
  • 3 to 6 months after surgery: During these later appointments, your doctor may take pictures of your final results and clear you for more strenuous activities.

No matter when your follow-up appointments may be, remember: Don’t skip your follow-ups! These meetings are vital for tracking your healing process and giving you a safe, rewarding post-op experience.

Tips For A Smooth Recovery

In the days and weeks following treatment, be sure to treat your body kindly.


You will need to wear compression bandages or a special recovery bra to support your breasts after surgery. These garments are designed to help you feel more comfortable while providing implant stability.

Once you are approved to transition away from the compression bra, you will need to wear a bra at all times for a couple of weeks. Invest in a breathable, underwire-free bra with a supportive fit. Many women prefer a front-clasp sports bra for this purpose.

Help With Daily Tasks

If possible, you should ask friends and family if they can help you during the first few days. Surgery can take a toll on the body, and you may need assistance around the house or performing daily tasks. Try to have major housework or meal prep completed beforehand and organize for any childcare needs. You will not be able to pick up small children during the first few weeks, so plan for your family’s needs in advance.

We hope this information helps you understand the breast augmentation recovery process so that you can enjoy your journey and new look with confidence. If you’re near Little Rock, AR, and would like to learn more about the procedure, please request a consultation or call (501) 575-0088.

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