Wright Plastic Surgery and Med Spa: Dr. Eric Wright
1811 Rahling Rd, Suite 100
Little Rock, AR 72223
Phone: (501) 575-0088
Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Male Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures
Male Breast Reduction Case #266
This patient presented with desire to improve his appearance of his chest after massive weight loss surgery. He underwent bilateral gynecomastia excision with subcutaneous mastectomy with free nipple-areolar grafting. Minimal incisions were not... Read More
Procedure(s): Male Breast Reduction, Male Breast Reduction
Provider: Eric J Wright, M.D.
Case #118
This patient presented with concern of his chest. This concern was present for several years. He underwent a bilateral gynecomastia procedure.
Procedure(s): Male Breast Reduction
Provider: Eric J Wright, M.D.
Male Breast Reduction Case #254
This patient presented with a history of weight loss and disliked his appearance of his chest. He underwent a bilateral gynecomastia excision with subcutaneous mastectomy with free-nipple grafting.
Procedure(s): Male Breast Reduction
Provider: Eric J Wright, M.D.
Male Breast Reduction Case #96
This patient presented with desire to improve the appearance of his chest. Despite being very fit, he disliked the protrusion beneath his nipple/areolar complex. This concern was present for several years. He underwent a bilateral gynecomastia... Read More
Procedure(s): Male Breast Reduction
Provider: Eric J Wright, M.D.
Male Breast Reduction Case 197
This patient was referred from his primary care physician for gynecomastia. He underwent bilateral mastectomy with nipple-areolar reconstruction. He had 2 pounds of breast tissue removed.
Procedure(s): Male Breast Reduction
Provider: Eric J Wright, M.D.